National Insect Museum (NIM)

Insect museums are agents for conservation of a country’s insect heritage and are powerful instruments for biodiversity studies. In Pakistan, foundation of National Insect Museum was laid in 2005 under umbrella of PSDP with Rs. 37.318 million. The insect museum is housing over 0.150 million insect specimens and comprises hundred years old Pusa collection (British era) as well as more recent insect collection from Pakistan.

After partition of sub-continent,Department of Plant Protection came into existencein 1952, which took the task for maintaining valuable collection of insects received from India as Pakistan’s share consisting of local fauna and specimens named Pusa collection.This Insect collection provided the starting point for all those interested in the evaluation of Insect Biodiversity in Pakistan. This collection was handed over to Agriculture Research Council (now called PARC) in 1988 and was housed at CABI Regional Biosciences Centre, Rawalpindi due to lack of any central insect repository with PARC. However with the launching of National Insect Museum in 2005 at National Agriculture Research Centre Islamabad this inherited collectionwas finally housed at purposely built National Insect Museum.

To date, insects under different orders are being collected,identified and properly maintained as reference collection. Scientists and staff are working to collect and report prevailing insect fauna from different agro-ecologiesthrough country wide surveys. More than 0.15millins specimens are preserved and area available for evolutionary and phylogenetic studies. Many new to science records have been added to the museum in the recent past.