The National Reference Laboratory for Poultry Diseases (NRLPD) is an entity within the Animal Sciences Institute at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) of the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) Islamabad, Pakistan established on 1st July 2004. The program was set up with a mandate to coordinate and undertake surveillance, diagnostics and research activities in the field of avian health in this country, with the collaboration of relevant provincial, regional and international institutions. During the onslaught of Avian Influenza H7N3 in 2004-5, first National Contingency Plan for HPAI Control was developed under which this lab was awarded the status of Federal Coordinating Unit for initiating the National Program for Control and Prevention of Avian Influenza (NPCPAI) in this country. Since then NRLPD has been coordinating with eight Provincial Avian diagnostics labs along with 24 Regional Avian Diseases Surveillance Units, set up under NPCPAI. Establishment of National Avian Disease Surveillance System & Vaccine strain development for Avian Influenza and other poultry diseases by NRLPD resulted in “Bird flu free status” since 2008 led to lifting ban for the Export of poultry & poultry products to international market. The National Reference Lab for Poultry Diseases (NRLPD), an apex lab, Internationally accredited (ISO/IEC-17025:2017) has been collaborating at national, regional and international levels for extending referral diagnosis , undertaking surveillance, and carrying out research activities in the field of avian health. NRLPD isproviding nationwide diagnosis and research of 35 diseases of poultry including zoonotic diseases. The NRLPD Lab has BSL2 plus facility and conducting biological and molecular characterization of poultry pathogens and vaccines matching studies through cartography assay. The NRLPD has also been recognized by FAO of United Nations as SAARC Regional Leading Diagnostic Lab (RLDL) for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Its functions also cover the onsite trainings, establishment of the new Labs and technical guidance to the scientists from SAARC countries. Moreover, NRLPD is also collaboration with FAO, WHO & OIE for control and prevention of emerging and remerging disease of Poultry in the region. NRLPD is also designated as “China-Pakistan Agricultural S&T Innovation and Excellence Centre”by China Agriculture University (CAU) Beijing and Foshan University China. |