Greening the Cholistan desert
- Seeding of desert grasses trees and shrubs to rejuvenate the desert.
- Preservation the germplasm of desert grasses.
- Establishment of botanical pasture on 50 acres.
- Nursery seedlings production and multiplication of range agroforestry plants, shrubs and grasses.
High efficiency Irrigation technologies
- Tested, developed and transferred the high efficiency irrigation technologies to increase crop and water productivity.
- Water saving technologies for arid fruit plants
- CPIS technology
- Pitchers irrigation
- Pits plantation and furrows irrigation
- Drip irrigation techniques
- Alternate energy technologies
- Developed/ disseminated technology for the use of solar and biogas technology in agriculture and domestic needs.
Medicinal plants
- Conducting different studies on important medicinal plants including Plantago ovata, Nigella sativa, Linum usitatissium, Foeniculum vulgare and Lallemantia royleana for adoptability, cultivation and promotion in arid climatic conditions of Cholistan desert.
- Research for commercial cultivation of medicinal plants.
- Research & on farm trials.
- Developed and transferred production technology.
- Mother orchard of arid horticultural Crops
- Pooled thirteen high yielding and quality genotypes of grafted ber for multiplication at farmer fields in Cholistan desert.
- Establishment of the true to type mother orchards of arid horticultural crops of Guava, date-palm, citrus, fig, pomegranate and falsa.
- Technology development and dissemination of arid horticultural crops.
Fruit plant nurseries
- Nursery plants production and distribution
- Germplasm screening and evaluation
- Conducting coordinated research on germplasm testing and evaluation (National Uniform Yield Trials of field crops field crops).
- Sharing the results of results of germplasm screening trials with national collaborators.
- Screened, 03 advance lines of Mungbam, 02 advance lines of Chickpea and 10 advance lines of wheat for further varietal development process.
Protected cultivation of vegetables
- Introduction of PVC technology in area through The World Vegetable project (AVRDC) and value addition, toxic free and healthy vegetables.
- 04 target vegetables (Onion, chilies, tomato and cucumber).
- 20 clusters of the farmers, each cluster of 30 farmers.
- Given technical assistance, field advisory services and training programs.
- Technology development and dissemination.
Saline aquaculture
- Innovative Research on Saline Aquaculture
- Tested four fish species including Rohu, Thalla, Mori, Talpai, Silver carp under saline water (3000-3500 ppm)
- The saline aquaculture technology development and dissemination.
- Reclamation of salt affected soils
- Developed the saline agriculture technologies through reclamation of salt affected soils and crop selection under NUTEC project.
- A collaborative ACIAR funded project led by Charles Sturt University (Australia) “Adapting to Salinity in the Southern Indus Basin” (ASSIB Project) at PARC’s Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI) at Bahawalpur currently going on in which research to be conducted with the “bright spot” community and follow up field exchanges with the “bright spot” community to help and deliver the co-inquiry research implementation plan.
Farmer training and capacity building
- Launched country long farmer training program through FFS approach and the same approach have been adopted by provinces.
- Completed RADP funded project on farmer training and capacity building.
- Regular famer training under outreach program through seminars, workshops and field days for demonstrations on innovative technologies.