Advisory and Plant Disease Diagnosis Service: Although, plant disease diagnosis has been done at the Institute for many years however regular diagnostic and advisory services were started in 1988. Since then, a large number of samples were analysed and recommendations are being made every year.
isease screening nurseries: The Institute provides disease inoculum to provincial and federal breeders for their screening programmes. As part of its programme, the Institute prepares and plants a National Wheat Diseases Screening Nursery (NWDSN) at more than 20 key locations in the country against rust diseases of wheat. The NWDSN comprises widely grown commercial varieties and advanced lines from national breeders. The nurseries planted at these locations are being artificially inoculated to have disease pressure on the breeding materials. This nursery helps to identify new sources of resistance to the prevalent and new races of rusts and to evaluate breeding materials for their disease reaction. The institute also prepares and distributed the Wheat Rust Trap Nursery (WRTN) each year. This nursery includes commercial varieties and is used to monitor and trap the natural virulence of each race of rust prevalent in the country.
National Uniform Yield Trials(NUYT): Data from these trials are vital for the National Breeding Programmes and National Variety Release System. Diseases Reactions of NUYTs are used by the Variety Evaluation Committee for releasing candidate lines as commercial varieties. The crops include Wheat, Rice, Maize, Fodder, Oilseeds, Pulses, and Horticultural Crops.
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