- The institute delivers technical services to the end users on following different priority areas.
- Pure seed development of approved sugarcane varieties of the institute through tissue culture and bud chip methods for commercial cultivation.
- Distribution of locally collected sugarcane fuzz among different research institutes of Pakistan.
- Technical assistance to the growers for the control of insect pest and disease attack on sugarcane and other crops.
- Nursery development of different indigenous trees, ornamental/fruit plants, and their distribution among the growers.
- Development of disease free plants of high yielding banana varieties and distribution among the growers.
- Technical support to growers through soil and water analysis and recommend suggestions.
- Capacity development of the growers through on spot training for the acquaintance of latest planting skills and crop management strategies.
- Internship training in various disciplines to students of B.Sc. (Agri) Hons of Agriculture Universities.