Motto: Harvesting Knowledge, Nurturing Growth: Shaping Agricultural Leaders for a Sustainable Tomorrow. Vision: Agriculture Poly-technique Institute (API) is committed to innovative education, cutting-edge research training, and sustainable agriculture through development of Skilled Human Resource: Empowering Future and Cultivating Excellence. The global scenario of knowledge based economy has posed a serious challenge to the developing world as we are living in a period of major structural change. The demand to upgrade one's knowledge and professional skills in the knowledge-based economy has become increasingly important. Even in developed world the human capital is now estimated to be at least three times more important than that of physical capital. It is believed that without improved human capital, countries will inevitably fall behind and experience intellectual and economic marginalization and isolation. The result will be continuing poverty. No country has a choice on whether or not to develop human resource. Human resource is the life blood of any country. Shortage of trained manpower is the major constraint in improving agricultural productivity in the country because it pervades the whole spectrum of activities aimed at increasing food, feed and fiber production. Considering the need, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council established Training Institute [now Agricultural Ploy-technique Institute (API) at National Agricultural Research Centre in 1983, which was one of the efforts to cater the training needs of all stakeholders of National Agricultural Research System. Based on the needs of clientele groups, API tailors different training courses in various disciplines of agriculture. Such courses provide on job training by sharing latest information available with fellow scientists both at federal and provincial levels. Besides on-job trainings, the training for the farmers, extension workers, agricultural and livestock students, working women & house wives, community activists and NGOs are also arranged to update their knowledge about the latest advances being made in the field of agriculture and livestock. In addition, different knowledge sharing activities like development of booklets on different agricultural technologies, participation in exhibitions, arranging workshops and field days, replying to farmers’ queries and publication of articles in print/electronic media are undertaken by API. |