Livestock Research Station (LRS) was established in 1988 with an objective to improve, preserve and supply superior breeds. To supply genetically superior bulls to farmers for improvement of cattle and buffaloes. To provide the facilities / services to animal scientists for their research and development trials. Production of fodder as well as introduction of conservation technologies. Provision of training facility to students, farmers etc. Livestock Research Station (LRS) is maintaining more than 120 animals and cultivating the 140 acres of land for fodder production & grazing. Efforts are in progress to establish and develop elite herds of cows and buffaloes with a maximum level of production through pure breeding and selection. Genetically superior bulls are supplied to farmers and other NGOs working for improvement of cattle and buffaloes. The station also maintains the demonstration and instructional farms of Crossbred cattle. During recent years the Silage Technology Unit and Angora Rabbitry were established at LRS. It also acts as station of training, education and research for undergraduate and post graduate students of Veterinary and animal sciences, Agriculture, Rural sciences and livestock extension workers. Thousands of farmers, animal owners, animal lovers, executives from various fields and general citizen visit the station and the scientists and technical staff of the station provides them the information of their interest. Sections at LRS: 1. Dairy Section |