Water plays a key role in food security of Pakistan, as more than 90% production comes from irrigated areas, while agriculture utilize more than 95% of available fresh water. However, the water availability and quality has beennegatively impacted by the emerging climate change andmismanagement issues, leading to huge water losses during conveyance and field application, acceleratederosion, sedimentation and reduced water productivities. Keeping in view these challenges,the water related research in agriculturewas initiated by PARC in 1980s, and the initial program was more focussed on improving the on-farm irrigation efficiencies and conserving the land and water on watershed. The first formal institute, Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI)was established in 1991. Then, after achieving national level expertise and progress in addressing the issues related to the allied fields ofGIS, Remote Sensing and Alternate Energy use in agriculture, the name of institute was changed to Climate, Energy and Water Research Institute(CEWRI)in 2016. |