NARC Tender - W&EM - No.F.24-51/2023-24/W&EM/NARC



The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) Islamabad, invites Sealed tenders on item rate basis from reputed firms having three years, experience in relevant works (Construction Of Pre-Febricated Structures) and duly registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in Category C-6 or above for the following work at National Agricultural Research Centre, Park Road, Islamabad:

Description of Work

       Tender Document Cost


Earnest Money

Completion Period


Construction Of Pre-Fabricated Structure & Installation of  Fence  at CSI , National Agricultural Research Center (NARC),Park Road Islamabad.

Rs. 2500/- (Non- refundable)

2% of the Bid Cost in the form of Pay Order or Bank Draft in favour of NARC Islamabad

     Two (02)

Calendar Months


The bidder may submit the written application along with Certificate of Registration of firm with PEC in Category C-6 or above , Registration with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department, details of relevant work experience (work order & completion order), an undertaking that the firm has no litigation or black-listed by any Department/Client and upon payment of a non-refundable fee as mentioned above and Tender document will be issued to interested eligible firms who will submit all above mentioned valid documents for pre-qualification and will  fulfill the criteria.

Firms may acquire the tender documents from the office of the undersigned on any working day (Monday to Friday) during office hours. The tenders will be received in the office of undersigned before 18-04-2024 and  submit the tender up to 11:00 hours on 18-04-2024, and will be opened on the same date at 11:30 hours in the presence of bidders/representatives,  who will attend tender opening meeting. No tender would be issued on the day of opening of bids.

NARC reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids as per PPRA rules




(Works & Estate Management

NARC, Islamabad)

Ph: 051- 9255057/ Ext. 9073-3441-3442