PARC- MARC Tender (Notice # 1-536 (03) /2022-2023) Procurement of Computers and Office Equipment’s
Date of issue 17-02-2023 Receiving time 12.00 Noon
Date of closing 8-03-2023 Opening time 12.30 pm
PARC- MARC Tender Notice # 1-536 (03) /2022-2023
Procurement of Computers and Office Equipment’s (Laptops and Printers)under PSDP project “Mainstreaming of Mountain-Agricultural Research Center (MARC) for the Promotion of High Value Agriculture in Gilgit-Baltistan” for fiscal year 2022-2023
PARC-Mountain Agricultural Research Centre (PARC-MARC-Gilgit), as per relevant rules/ regulations and Govt. policy invites sealed bids for Procurement of the following Computers and Office equipment under PSDP project “Mainstreaming of Mountain-Agricultural Research Center (MARC) for the Promotion of High Value Agriculture in Gilgit-Baltistan” for fiscal year 2022-2023. The firms/companies registered with income tax and Sales Tax department having relevant experience/workshops are invited to quote their rates/bids for each item to be delivered/ installed at MARC, Gilgit, for fiscal year 2022-2023.
2. The firms/companiesthose authorized and capable (and not involved in litigation and legal inquiry with PARC or any other department) may bid as per terms & conditions mentioned in the tender document. The tender document can be purchased by thefirms/Suppliers from Directorate of procurement PARCIslamabad and MARC- Juglote Gilgit on any working day from (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) Monday to Friday from 17-02-2023 on written request of the firm/ company letter head/pad with firm registration certificate and GST / NTN valid number along with pay order / bank draft amounting to Rs.1500/- (Non-Refundable) in favor of DG MARC Gilgit.
3. Bidders who fulfills and abide by the prescribed terms & conditions given in tender document may submit their technical and financial bids as per format in separate envelope. The bids will be received on or before 8-03-2023 by 12.00 Noon and will be openedby the committee on the same day at 1230p.m. at PARC Islamabad in the presence of bidders or their nominated representatives who choose to be present. No tender will be sold on date of opening of tenders. The quoted rates/bids shall be valid up to 30-06-2023.
4. Each bid should be accompanied with 2% bid security of quoted bid amount in shape of bank draft or pay order (cheque(s) not acceptable) in favor of DG MARC Gilgit. The conditional bids or the bids without security Money/ CDR or containing less security/ CDR shall not be accepted as per PPRA Rules.
5. The payment of all applicable taxes is the responsibility of concerned firms/companies. PARCreserves the right to reject any or all bids proposals or may cancel the tender at any time prior to acceptance of a bid or proposal. However PARC shall upon request communicate to any firm/suppliers who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of bids / proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds. PARC may decrease/increases oromit the quantity of equipment/tender items and also may add/change any instructions/condition of this tender.
6. This advertisement can also be downloaded from the website and on PPRA website
(Sher Ahmed)
DG (MARC-Juglot Gilgit)
Phone 05811924213 cell 0355-5404989