NARC Tender No.F.1-8/2022-23/PSDP-CEWRI for Fabrication Work / Conversion of Single Cabin Vehicle
National Agriculture Research Centre
(Directorate of Procurement)
Tender Notice |
National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) invites sealed bids from original manufacturers/authorized firms/companies registered with GST/Income Tax Department GOP and having valid NTN for Fabrication Work/Conversion of Single Cabin Vehicle (Registration No. GAK-673) into Double Cabin for use in field areas to conduct scientific study and agricultural research activities under PSDP Umbrella Project Titled, “National Program for Enhancing Command Area of Small & Mini Dam in Barani Areas of Pakistan”, Climate, Energy & Water Research Institute (CEWRI), NARC for the year 2022-23.
The eligible firms, manufacturers & companies those authorized and capable are to participate in bidding process on the terms & conditions as per detail technical specification mentioned in the tender document. The tender documents can be purchased from Directorate of Procurement, NARC on any working day during the office timing (Monday - Friday) from 21-11-2022 on written request of the firm/company letter head/pad with firm registration certificate and GST & NTN along-with pay order/bank draft amounting to Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) drawn in favor of “NARC, Islamabad”.
Bidders who may fulfills and abide by the prescribed terms & conditions contained in tender document may submit their bids (technical & financial in separate envelops) in the office of Directorate of Procurement, NARC as per format on or before 06-12-2022 by 11:00 hours positively and bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 hours in presence of bidder or their nominated representatives who chose to be present. No tender will be sold on date of opening of tender.
Each bid should be accompanied with 4% earnest money of quoted amount in shape of bank draft or pay order in favor of “NARC, Islamabad”. The conditional bids or the bids without earnest money or found less earnest money shall not be entertained/accepted as per PPRA Rules.
The payment of all taxes is the responsibility of the firms. Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids proposals or may cancel the tender at any stage prior to acceptance of bid or proposal. However NARC shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of bids/proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds. NARC may decrease or increase in the job activity of the vehicle or may revise it as may deem appropriate.
This tender notice can also be browsed at PPRA/PARC websites i.e. &
Director (Procurement)
NARC, Islamabad