Pakistan has diverse climate for potato seed production throughout the year; Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali Chairman PARC
Islamabad:- Potato is cultivated over an area of 194000 hactares with annual production of 500,000 tones. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council is working on potato seed production through tissue culture and aeroponics technology. In this regard a seminar was organized at National Institute for Genomics and Advance Biotechnology (NIGAB), NARC on 12th May 2022. Seminar was delivered by Dr. Kown Min a renowned Korean Expert on potato seed production. Speaking on the occasion, Chairman PARC Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali thanked the Speaker and Korean Govt. for developing aeroponics system at PARC Islamabad along-with technical support in this regard. He was of the view that Pakistan has diverse climate for potato seed production throughout the year. PARC scientists showed keen interest in aeroponics while asking different questions. Addressing to the participants, Dr. Kown Min briefed potato seed production system in Korea and he also told how Korean Govt. can help Pakistan in potato seed production. He focused on how to improve already aeroponics system established by Korean Govt. under KOPIA project at NARC.