5th Training Workshop on Aflatoxin Biocontrol in Chilies
PARC-SARC in collaboration with CAB International and Agricultural Research Sindh organized the 5th awareness session ‘Aflatoxin Biocontrol in Chilies’ under USAID/USDA funded project ‘Regularity Harmonization in Pakistan for MRLs and Biopesticides’ on 30-11-2023 at Agriculture Research Sindh, Tando Jam, The training cum awareness session was chaired by Mr. Noor Muhammad Baloch, Director General ARS, while Dr. Zakir Hussain Dahri, DG, PARC-SARC and Mr. Ali Nawaz Channar, Director Technical, Agri. Extension Department of Sindh Government graced the event with their presence and constructive remarks. Mr. Sanaullah Solangi, Deputy Director, ARC, GoS, served as stage secretary. Mr. Parwaiz Ahmed Baloch, Director FQSRI welcomed all participants i.e., scientists/officials of ARC, NIA, Agri. Extension, PARC research establishments at NARC and in Sindh (NSCTHRI, AZRC, SSRI and PARC-SARC). He disclosed purpose of the event as to raise awareness regarding existence, status, health related issues, export restrictions and importance of biocontrol of aflatoxin in food stuff. Mr. Ali Nawaz Channar appreciated PARC and CABI for organizing this important sessionon account of food quality & safety concerns to support country’s economy and prosperity of chili farmers in Sindh province. Dr. Hamzah Shahbaz Bhatti, Program Officer, CABI highlighted the cooperation overview of USAID/USDA, CABI, and PARC. He pointed out entrance of aflatoxin in food cycle, loss to chilli crop, reduction in its export, importance of biopesticide use and how to mitigate the aflatoxin contamination through it. Dr. Najmus Sahar, SSO, FQSRI, PARC-SARC, Karachi illustrated the presence of Aflatoxin on chili crop and how to mitigate it during pre & post-harvest phases in chili crop. She also presented objectives, activities and outcomes of mycotoxin lab, FQSRI, PARC-SARC. Dr. Atif Jamal PSO, CDRI, NARC, Islamabad highlighted occurrence and hazardous effects of aflatoxin on human and animal health.Further, aflatoxin status in Pakistan, its critical factors, decline in export of chillies, VGS analysis, co-infection experiment, characteristics of atoxigenic strain, importance and management of biocontrol technique through indigenous material in chili (var. Longi) at farm level were presented. Dr. Zakir Hussain Dahri, paid vote of thanks to participants, collaborators and organizers i.e., Director General, ARC his team, USDA/USAID, CABI, Agri. Ext. Dep, NIA, SAU and FQSRI, PARC-SARC and stressed to strengthen the active collaboration between research institutes, academia and industry for the welfare of farming community and effective regulations by the respective authorities. He further stressedtheneed for enhanced efforts in the area of biological control of aflatoxin and insect pests in all crops in the wake of week regulations to maintain standards and quality control. He was of the view to resolve issues related to rejection of international consignments like presence of aflatoxin and MRLs, efforts were being carried out with main objective to spread awareness and help chilli farmers of Sindh province. Honourable Chief Guest Mr. Noor Muhammad Baloch, DG, Agriculture Research Sindh appreciated the organizers and collaboratorsfor organizing this training session for scientists and officials of provincial and federal government departments. He shared his experience regarding use of organic amendments to control aflatoxin. Further, he wished the participants of the event would enhance their learning and professional skills to cater the aflatoxin problem in different crops. Certificates were also distributed among all participants.